Sunday, February 3, 2019


The car was dirty and I was concerned about what a passenger would see when they got into the car.  I turned on the app anyway and to my surprise there were significant areas of high demand where surge pricing was in effect.  I begin making my way over to Mopac so I could stab right into the middle of area before I actually went online.  As I was darting back and forth between lanes I watched as the price in the high demand area kept rising.  It was up to $7.00 when I hit the zone and went online.  I immediately grabbed $4.50 and watched it climb as I penetrated deeper into the zone.  It made it as high as $5.00 and then I begin to exit the zone.  Now a couple of miles outside the zone, I carried my $5.00 bonus and a dirty car for the next rider to see.  Then it happened.  A request came in and I accepted it.  As fate would have it, a second stroke of good luck was about to happen.  As I arrived at the pick up spot, it immediately became obvious that the lady I was picking up was blind and was not going to see the dirty car.  This lady was the most upbeat person I have ever had a conversation with and she was going to the gym!  Completely awesome!

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