I split up sessions today with the first being in the afternoon and the other starting at about 11:20 pm. Anytime a session is started that late, you better be expecting to have some intoxicated riders. I have even had them on Sundays and Mondays at that hour in the past. Overall it was a really good day at about $220 for 11 rides. That's $20 a ride average which I will take anytime. I currently have 3 points of contention that I need to work through and it is likely that one of those I have no control over.
1. Tolls mess up earnings. Tolls are charged to the riders and then reimbursed to the driver. Of course the driver's toll tag gets charged. It boils down to the fact that the since the rider is paying for the tolls, this replaces what has been spent on the toll by the driver. They cancel each other out, but the reimbursement is included in the drivers payout making the payout number higher, when in reality the toll portion of the payout is already spoken for and should be excluded from any sort of earnings calculations.
2. The driver's portion of the fare has been reduced when compared to 5 or 6 years ago.
3. I usually have an idea of how long I will be driving for a session. It irks me when I know that I need to be moving northward towards home at a certain time and the ride requests seem to drag me in the opposite direction. The app has the ability to enter in an address where you want to go and it will find rides in that direction, but the last two times I did that, it didn't work well if at all. That usually causes me to end up turning off the app so I receive no more ride requests while in Buda or somewhere and have to haul ass back to the north without a rider.
It is said that boys mature much later in life than girls. I have seen many instances of such while driving and holy fucking shit did I experience the most flagrant example of such tonight. Thank goodness that of the guys was not stupidly drunk and was under control. He even paid for my customary Whataburger meal at 2:30am when we all agreed to make a pit stop at Whataburger for some food. After multiple messages from Uber asking if everything was okay (because we were off course and very delayed), we got underway again. It was discovered that the guy that had ordered the ride had put in the wrong address and he was now completely passed out. We made it almost to Lakeline on Whitestone when the others realized that something wasn't right. I asked them where they were supposed to be going and the guy in the passenger seat said Liberty Hill. "Hell yeah we're going the wrong direction" I said. They couldn't get the passed-out guy awake so we ended his ride and the under-control guy requested the ride on his phone making sure that I received the ride request. I don't know what they were doing to the passed-out guy but they were all laughing and recording it with their phones. I am sure it will result in some new law against some new form of abuse at some point in the near future. Maybe even as a result on whatever it was they were recording on their phones. Maybe they will call it POBA. Everyone likes a good acronym that can be pronounced as a word. Passed Out Buddy Abuse.