The very moment I went online, a request came in. It ended up being student at a nearby high school. I suspected he was an Uber rookie when he sat in the front seat and he was not wearing a mask. These are both COVID related requirements that he would have known. I didn't push the issue as I had my mask on.
I greeted him in English and he looked at me with a confused look. He then said, in what sounded like perfect English, "I only speak Spanish". Soooo, I repeated my greeting to him in Spanish. He looked at me with the same confused look again. I smiled and began the trip. As we arrived at tje drop off location, he asked in Spanish if everything was good. I didnt undetstand why he was asking me that and then he showed me a text message on his phone. The message stated "ya esta pagado" which says in English, "it is already paid." Someone else had ordered the ride for him. I then knew for sure he was an Uber rookie as he was not familiar with how the payment system worked.
All was well. I went offline and drove back the hotel I was working at.