Picked up a couple who were going to Winter Wonderland at COTA. They offered to pay for parking and for entrance to the event so that I would be there to bring them back. Sounded good to me. I was not planning on going to Winter Wonderland but got to go anyway.
The action, observation and prevalent topics of conversation out in the Ride Sharing world of Austin Texas. Warning - no language filters or grammatical preferences were used in the posting of the material contained in this blog. Expect anything.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Many of the conversations that I hear initially prompt me to think about how ridiculous and insignificant the conversation sounds. Such was the case tonight but then the thoughts evolved. They evolved into thinking about how my conversations with my peers probably sound when I am talking to my peers about events and situations in my industry. What ever it is that these guys were talking about, it was very important to them and in fact sounded like it was probably their livelihood. Steven Covey said it and it is a very applicable. "Seek first to understand, then to be understood".
Friday, December 1, 2017
Let the Christmas parties begin. I didn't make it one block before the first request was made. They were coming in even before I had completed the ride I was on. Very heavy traffic in front of the nice hotels (where the parties were taking place).
Fun conversation amongst one of the 2 large groups, about college dormitories. We all know that guys are not allowed in the girls dormitory, or at least that is how the coversations went. However, in a guys dormitory "nobody gives a shit" (about girls being in the guy's dormitory). The story continued. The mascot at this guys dormitory was The Mighty Cocks. "Bring it on and we'll keep coming".
Their story not mine.
There is restaurant on Manor Road called Dai Du. I have taken lots of people there. From the outside it is incredibly unassuming and even almost presents an image of a butcher shop. They certainly have something there that many people are interested in.
Stupid ass app routed me right past the pickup location, go around the block and arrive back at the location that I had just driven past.